Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We Are Never Getting Back Together.....Like Ever

We used Corel Draw to blend colors. When making my picture I used shadowing to add a more dramatic effect. Using Corel gave us the opputunity to blend to colors and find a new color when doing that.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Man's Bestfriend at Sea

In the process of creating the above piece, the interactive blend tool was used. As one can see, the sky exhibits a majestic scenery that is oh so pleasing to the eye. In the above photo, Latisha and kitty go out for a sail on a serenely tranquil evening. Please excuse the lack of proportion... I'm working on it.

Palm Tree

This sunset was created using the Interactive Blend Tool to create a realistic drawing that has many unique perspective characteristics.The pattern tool was used to create a palm tree off to the side.